India's First Sailing Lit Fest which will kick off in Mumbai tomorrow, January 29, 2019
Acclaimed filmmaker, actress and activist Nandita Das joined for a special session with Former First Lady of Britain Cherie Blair opened the fest and bat for India's widows on behalf of the Loomba Foundation. The revenue generated at this festival was donated to the widows of the country. The Irrawaddy Literary Festival takes place in a Buddhist Stupa that houses the world’s largest book written in gold. The Shanghai International Literary Festival uses one of the world’s most photographed backdrops – its sky scrapers. The Mountain Echoes Lit Fest is held in one of the world’s cleanest landscapes of Bhutan. The Ubud Writers and Readers Festival takes place in the 14 ethereal villages immersed among lush green paddy fields. And now Mumbai is all set to have a Lit Fest that uses its most famous citizen as its venue – The Arabian Sea. India’s Maximum City hosted India’s first ever Lit Fest on the sea – The Queensline Lit Fest - three days o...